October 12, 2008

They weren't kidding!

The weather prediction was a little off - and not in a good way! We got a FOOT of snow today! The boys were so excited they could hardly stand it. The snow was too wet to make a fort but they had a blast just running through it and throwing it.

Tater took this picture around 4:00 -a lot of it had melted by then

I thought this was kind of funny-Not sure if you can see it but there is a perfect little rose behind the tombstone and surrounded in snow.

If you've never tried homemade, snow ice cream you're missing out! It's yummy, so easy and so much fun for the kids. I know some people would be concerned about the pollutants in the snow but I think for an every once in awhile treat it should be fine.
Here's How:

What You Need:
1 cup Half & Half
1/2 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
dash of salt
5 cups of fresh, clean snow

Mix all ingredients together and eat!
To make it even creamier add 1/2 of a mashed banana.

You can try other extracts like almond, mint, orange lime.......

Keep us in your warm thoughts - we should thaw out soon!