January 2, 2009


 Christmas was fantastic this year.  On Christmas Eve, we had dinner with friends then we all went to a live nativity play. We go every year and every year I'm amazed by the play. It's done by a family in the town next to us.  They do it in the front yard of the house and it's complete with Mary and Joseph, roman soldiers, the angel on the top of their chimney (which was a little scary this year because of the wind) donkeys, llamas and horses.  It's such a nice time to reflect on what Christmas means before the madness of Christmas morning begins. 
Unfortunately, we missed church service this year because we didn't get to the play until late.

We had a massive storm come through Christmas Eve through the morning so we cancelled our trip to Brigham to have Christmas Day with the family.  My Grandma was released from the rehab center for the day so it was a hard not to go, but the roads were horrible so we stayed home and let the kids trash the house!

Friday was spent at my parents. My mom made us homemade lasagna, that was fantastic. We spent the evening exchanging gifts and talking then slid our way home. The roads didn't look like they had seen a plow or a sandtruck since the storm the day before. 

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!